Pest Infestation? Take Action Fast!

insect wasps

insect waspsIt’s vital to react quickly to pest visitations and infestations preferably by calling in professional pest controllers. Here we take a look at some common pests in Essex, and the problems they cause.

Move quickly if pests take hold as problems can rapidly escalate

From the odd fly to a full blown mice infestation, pests are an ever present threat to households of all types whether a remote cottage or a modern home in a densely populated development. One thing most pests have in common is their ability to multiply and establish themselves quickly, so a visitation by a few can soon become an infestation with unpleasant implications.

Therefore, swift action is vital.

Action of the right kind

While there is a certain amount you can do to rid your home of pests, it’s important to understand the limitations of DIY remedies, and also how to prevent a reoccurrence by being aware of how and why the pest gained access to your property in the first place.

If you clearly have an infestation as opposed to just a few unwelcome visitors, then quick pest control from experts is called for. Trying to, say, control an influx of rats with poisons yourself could cause difficulties in the use of powerful chemicals around your home; pest control professionals will be able to get to grips with your particular problem and devise a strategy to solve it while minimising risk.


Another good reason to seek expert help is to help prevent another infestation through preventative measures; a vulnerability will simply be exploited again unless it’s identified and remedied. Experienced pest controllers will know what to look for in and around your property and make recommendations to help you make your home more of a fortress against pest invasions.

Fast action against common pests

Most if not all pests, once they’ve gained access to your property, can soon become established in large numbers. The rate at which they breed means a handful could turn into scores more in no time.

Some of the common pests and the problems they cause:

Rats – perhaps the most detested pest of them all, they can cause considerable damage and spread dangerous diseases such as Weil’s disease.

They contaminate food and can gnaw through cabling, wood and even metal.

Mice – causing similar risks and problems as rats, mice can easily gain access as they can pass through the tiniest of gaps. They don’t need much food to thrive on; a handful of breadcrumbs left on a surface or the floor will be a decent lunch for them.

Cockroaches – they proliferate rapidly and can spread germs and bacteria very swiftly; they prefer darker and damp conditions to thrive.

Wasps – definitely one for the pest control professionals to get rid of. Wasps are aggressive especially when their nest is threatened – a small, newly built nest with just the queen wasp in it will soon grow and become full of hundreds of wasps if left unchecked.

Bedbugs – so tiny they can scarcely be seen by the naked eye, they can soon again a foothold. Regular changing and higher temperature washing of bed clothing is a basic defence against them.

Flies – a common pest that can be dangerous if they strike in large numbers, flies carry various diseases and pass them onto unprotected food.

Foxes – even in built up areas and major cities, urban foxes are a threat and seem to have become more fearless in their hunt for food as their numbers have increased around fourfold in the last two decades. They’re also a big danger to smaller livestock such as poultry.

Moths – their larvae can damage clothing, carpeting and soft furnishings beyond repair. A milder end to the winter or early spring can see moth numbers rapidly multiply.

Squirrels – the grey squirrel is a very real nuisance as they can soon make a mess of cabling in loft spaces through their gnawing.

Professional pest control help should be sought as the regulations concerning grey and red squirrels are completely different and you could inadvertently break the law. Grey squirrels should not be put back into the wild if caught; they should be destroyed while conversely a red squirrel shouldn’t be harmed.

This is because the red squirrel is rare while numbers of grey squirrels are too high.

Other pest threats

There are various other pests to defend against such as moles, pigeons, fleas and woodlice to name just a few. Regular inspections for unwelcome visitors and investigation of any tell tale signs and sounds should be undertaken as a matter of course – and don’t delay in seeking professional pest control help to nip that pest infestation in the bud.

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