is an online business networking group. A bit like Facebook, but for professionals and other businesses to network and enhance their business exposure.
Ecademy allows members to search by location and also to set up location specific communities. There is an Essex group, and many of these members meet up each month in Chelmsford for a “face to face” and a coffee.
The Essex Ecademy coffee networking group meets upstairs at Caffe Nero in Chelmsford High Street, usually on a Wednesday morning.
It is very informal, all welcome and you don’t need to be a paid up member of Ecademy to join us, we’re friendly and happy to meet new people.
No charge – just buy your coffee and bring it on up!
Join us for coffee!
The next meeting is on Wednesday 17th March. If you are interested an not currently a member of you can register by calling Lesley.
Any questions ring Lesley on 01245 473296.
Or visit The Essex Ecademy Group.