The University of Essex was founded in 1964, making it a relatively new university. It had very modest beginnings with just 122 students in the first year. Today it has around 11,000 students which includes 3,000 post graduates.
It attracts students from all around the world and its MBA programme is very well respected. By 1969 the Essex University team reached the finals of University Challenge, proving Essex Uni to be as good as any of the more established universities.
According to their Twitter page, the University of Essex is one of the UK’s top ten universities for both teaching and research.
Leading Research
Essex University has been rated a “top 10” in the country for several subjects, including Government, Sociology, History, Economics and Language and Linguistics. The Essex Business School was ranked second in the Accounting and Finance subject area.
Nobel Prizes for Essex Uni Graduates
To highlight the calibre of Essex Uni students, two have been awarded Nobel Prizes. In 2010 the Nobel Prize for Economics was awarded to Chris Pissarides, now Norman Sosnow Chair in Economics at the LSE.
In 1987 Oscar Arias Sánchez won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work in building peace in Central America. Sánchez was President of Costa Rica from 2006 to 2010.
The Essex Uni Campuses
Essex Uni is divided into 3 campuses that are spread across Essex:
- Colchester Campus – set in 200 acres of parkland at Wivenhoe Park and home to 9000 students
- Loughton Campus – set in 5 acres of well kept gardens around Hatfields, a Goergian dower house. It specialises in performing arts.
- Southend Campus – spread across Southend, includes the Essex Business School, School of Health and Human Sciences, East 15 Acting School and the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies.
Thought the harder, heart the keener
The university motto is Thought the harder, heart the keener, which is a phrase from Part IV of the Anglo-Saxon poem The Battle of Maldon.
Essex Uni on the Internet
Their website is www.essex.ac.uk.
You can keep in touch with Essex Uni, and find out more about what they have to offer, by visiting their social media pages:
- University of Essex Facebook Page
- University of Essex Twitter Page
- University of Essex LinkedIn Page
Photo of Wivenhoe House by Glyn Baker