A recent survey conducted by Business Link in the East of England has revealed that finding new customers is the biggest challenge currently
concerning local businesses. Just under half of respondents (48%) highlighted this as their main obstacle, with finding time to grow identified as the second highest issue of 17% of respondents.
Allan Barrows, Head of Business Advice at Business Link, says: “Talking with our customers about the challenges and opportunities facing their business enables us to mould our services and provide solutions that meet their changing needs.
That’s why we’ve introduced a new programme of workshops and seminars to help address some of the concerns highlighted in the survey, including Planning for Growth, How to Turn Your Website into a Customer Magnet and Finding and Keeping Customers. In addition, our team of experienced telephone and field based advisers are on hand to provide free bespoke business support and expert guidance to help businesses address their needs.”
Other areas of concern identified by the survey include accessing finance, which was cited by 11% of respondents, and getting paid, identified by 10% of the businesses asked.
Business Link provides free, professional and impartial business advice in Essex and this can be accessed in various forms: online, by phone and
face-to-face. For more information call 08457 17 16 15 or visit www.businesslink.gov.uk/east