Have your say about better health and wellbeing for people with learning disability and family carers
People across the east of England are being invited to have their say on the vision for better health and wellbeing for people with a learning disability and family carers.
The vision sets out the aims and commitments for the NHS in the east of England over the next 10 years. The vision aims to make sure that people with learning difficulties have equal access to health services and have just as good health as the rest of the community. It focuses on putting people with a learning disability at the centre of what we do, so that they feel supported to make informed and personal choices.
The formal consultation started on 12 October 2010 and runs through to 11 January 2011. People with learning disabilities and their carers have already been involved in writing the document, following the informal consultations held earlier this year.
Dr Steve Laitner, GP, associate medical director and co-chair of the long term conditions Board, NHS East of England, says: “We have developed, with your help, our vision to improve the health and wellbeing of people with a learning disability and to improve the health and well being of their families.
“We want to hear from more people to see if we have got our vision and plans right. This wider consultation gives us a real opportunity to hear from more people, especially people with a learning disability and their families to help us make the necessary improvements in our services.”
Richard Blake, who has a learning disability himself and chairs the east of England learning disability regional programme Board, says: “Having better health is a big issue for people with a learning disability. It has a big effect on their lives and what they can or cannot do.
“It is just as important for children as it is for adults, so it is very important that people with a learning disability look at the vision and give their views.”
There are a number of ways people can give their feedback:
- Attend a regional ‘Bigger Health Day’ being held in Bury St. Edmunds on 15 November. Further details can be found at: www.eoe.nhs.uk/learningdisability
- Download the full or easy read version of the consultation document and short questionnaire at www.eoe.nhs.uk/learningdisability
- Email views to [email protected] or leave a short telephone message on 01223 596888.
- Hard copies of the consultation document can also be obtained on request.