Essex Fundraiser Climbs Mount Kilimanjaro to Raise Money for the MAD Foundation

Kathryn Prosser and Kilimanjaro
Top of Kilimanjaro

Kathryn Prosser, 36 from Great Leighs near Chelmsford in Essex has just come back from Tanzania having spent a week climbing Africa’s highest peak and the world’s highest free standing mountain, Kilimanjaro in aid of charity.

Joining Kathryn on the climb were four ex reality TV stars; Liam McGough, Seany O’Kane and Ziggy Lichman from Big Brother and Sonny Henty from Channel 4’s Shipwrecked.

There were a total of 13 intrepid climbers in total raising over £10,000 for the MAD Foundation a charity which helps people in some of the world’s poorest countries to help themselves, by working with them at a grassroots level to develop much needed community resources.

Kathryn Prosser and Kilimanjaro
Kathryn Prosser and Kilimanjaro

Of the climb Kathryn said:

“it is one of the hardest things I have ever done and really pushed us to our limits both physically and mentally. It took us 6 days of walking to reach the summit, after a final gruelling climb we finally reached the top at around 8:45am on the 25th June 2010 having set off from our final campsite at 11:30pm the previous evening.

Our aim of raising money for such a worthwhile cause kept us going despite all of us suffering at some point the affects of altitude sickness. It is very difficult to describe to people what it was like, the closest thing to describe it is like walking through the night suffering from the worst ever hangover but that is only a mild description of what it feels like to walk at that altitude.

I have made some great friends on the climb and we hope to raise even more money for this worthwhile cause in the future.”

It is a huge achievement as 50% of people who attempt the climb fail to reach the summit, however Kathryn’s group achieved a 100% pass rate with all 13 climbers reaching the summit.

If you would like to make a donation to this charity please donate at

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