A few years ago eBay was an Internet phenomenon. It provided people with a massive market for their unwanted items. However, sometimes it is hard to sell your items on eBay, as now competition is so intense. Also, bargains are much harder to find, as popular items soon develop bidding wars, and prices are often not far of the RRP for a new item in the shops. But now there is a new Internet service, and it is all about being green, helping people, and saving money. It is everything the Green Party is telling us to be, and it is called FreeCycle. The idea is simple, rather than throw you old items away, you advertise them on your local FreeCycle group, and people offer to take them away for you. No money changes hands and nothing ends up in the landfill site.
FreeCycle groups cover various geographic regions. There is an Essex FreeCycle group, as well as more local groups such as Chelmsford, Harlow and Wickford. You need to have a Yahoo! account to participate, but these are free. The rules are simple:
Everything posted must be free, legal and appropriate for all ages. When you want to OFFER something – whether it’s a chair, fax machine, piano or an old door, simply send an email to your group.
Essex FreeCycle Links:
- FreeCycle UK
- All FreeCycle Groups for the East of England
- Chelmsford Group on Yahoo!
- Basildon Yahoo!Group page
- Billericay Yahoo!Group page
- Colchester Yahoo!Group page
- Harlow Yahoo!Group page
- Westcliff-on-Sea Yahoo!Group page
- Wickford Yahoo!Group page
Often good items are snapped up pretty quick. However, people do not always give to the first person to respond, instead many give to the person that comes across well. So if you see an item that you like, send a message introducing yourself, mention the item (they may be listing more than one item) and say why you need it. This should increase the likelihood that you win the item for yourself.
Remember that if the item is large, then there are plenty of people in Essex willing to give a hand. There is a Man With a Van in our directory that can help carry your furniture, washing machines, bikes etc.
Important Announcement:
Dear Chelmsford Freecycle Members,
Over the last few weeks we have been warning people about fake replies which go to anyone who has posted a “wanted” message. The email says that they have just what you are asking for, but do not mention the item. Their email contains links to competitions.
We keep warning people NOT to follow the links, but people still choose not to read our warning emails, or choose to ignore our warnings. We can only send out these warnings, it is up to members to read and follow our warnings, use common sense and NOT follow any links.
We continue to get reports and complaints from people who have followed the links and now have problems with their computers. There is only so much we can do to protect you, but you have to be sensible too.
Kind regards,
Deirdre and Sally
Chelmsford Freecycle Moderators