On November 15th Essex will be voting for their new Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). There are 6 candidates to take the role in Essex and each promise to bring something different to the table. So, who are they and what are they hoping to do to improve Essex?
Robin Tibrook – English Democrats
The Person
Robin is the chairman of the English Democrats, the party which wants increased independence in England, their slogan being “Not left, not right, just English“. He was previously a member of the Conservative Party. He holds a BA (Hons) in Politics and Economics from the University of Kent at Canterbury, and studied law at the College of Law in Chester. He is a now a solicitor and is CEO of a law firm in Essex. On 27 September 2011, he was awarded Honorary Freedom of the City of London. See the BBC Profile: English Democrats leader Robin Tilbrook.
The Policies
- Slogan: “More Police – Catching Criminals“
- To resist Tory plans to cut Essex police budget
- Each Police Station will fly the St. George Flag
- Zero tolerance for petty crime and antisocial behaviour
- Zero tolerance to political correctness in Essex policing
- Focus on traditional English law
Andrew Smith – UKIP
The Person
Andrew Smith is a chartered accountant with a degree in economics and statistics.
The Policies
- Slogan: “Respect and Protect“
- The PCC will engage the police and public
- Police must be accountable
- More police on the streets, and more special constables
- Be on the side of home owners and victims
- To squeeze the best value out of shrinking budgets
Linda Belgrove – Independent
The Person
Linda Belgrove has a background in law and has also been self employed. She has been a Parish Councillor and a trustee of the Rural Community Council of Essex. For the last 4 years Linda has been a member of the Essex Police Authority. She was Vice Chairman until June 2012. She has in-depth experience working with the police and sat on committees that covered chief officers, police performance, liaison, human resources and diversity.
The Policies
- To keep politics out of policing
- More public and police consultations
- Increased transparency in police decision making
- Fight government cuts
- Support of voluntary groups in cutting crime
- Address road safety concerns
Linda Explains Why She is Standing
Valerie Morris-Cook
The Person
Valerie is deputy leader of Thurrock Council and is responsible for housing. She has a solid background in business. She is currently general manager for Wincanton Logistics and manages the Proctor and Gamble contract from the West Thurrock offices. She holds a BTec in Business Administration.
The Policies
- Focus on bringing the community together to work with the police
- To better support victims
- Battle domestic violence and sexual crimes
- Improve technology in policing
- Put crime reduction at the centre of every planning, housing, health and education decision in Essex
- More protection for front-line officers
- Oppose privatisation of the police
Mick Thwaites – Independent
The Person
Mick has served 3 police forces: City of London, Metropolitan and Essex, as assistant chief constable, head of traffic and head of operations, with over 34 years of experience in managing risk in complex strategic environments. Before retiring from the police in 2009 he was a Chief Superintendent and was the senior officer representing Essex Police with regard to the 2012 Olympics.
The Policies
- To keep politics our of policing
- More cops on streets
- To make Essex safer
- Quicker police response times
Nick Alston – Conservative Party
The Person
Nick is the Conservative candidate for Essex Police and Crime Commissioner. His father served in the Essex police for 37 years and Nick was born in Harwich police station.
Nick went to KEGS (King Edward Grammer School) in Chelmsford and then Cambridge University where he studied Natural Sciences. He was an officer in the Royal Navy and has worked in operational defence and security work, working closely with the police. He has worked in the private sector as a security director for a major global corporation. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science at University College London.
The Policies
- Meeting local needs
- Prompt and professional policing
- Partnership and cooperation
- An influential voice
How To Vote
If you are registered to vote, and eligible to vote, you can either vote in person at a polling station, by post, or by proxy (allowing someone you trust to vote on your behalf). In this election you can vote for a first and second preference of who you want to win.
- Take yourself and your poll card to your local polling office. Poll Cards have been posted so you should have one already.
- Vote by post – postal votes must be received by 31st October
- Apply to Vote by proxy – get someone else to vote on your behalf – deadline is 7th November. See the reverse of your poll card for further details. Those in Chelmsford can call 01245 606449.
For more information go to www.choosemypcc.org.uk.
I would appreciate if the Crime Commissioner Candidates could provide answers to the following questions which will have an influence on who I vote for at the forthcoming Crime Commissioner election.
1/ Do you welcome the Protection of Freedom Act
2/ Do you support me in calling for the destruction of DNA, fingerprints, mug shots, PNC records of persons who have received either a minor conviction, a caution, a warning, a reprimand, at present this data can be retained indefinitely by the Chief Constable, but he has the discretion to delete such data and records as data owner.
3/ Do you support me in calling for time limits for the retention of DNA, fingerprints, mug shots, PNC records held by the police for persons who have received a minor conviction, a caution, a reprimand, a warning.
4/ Do you support me in the view that minor conviction, caution, warning and reprimand police records, DNA, fingerprint, PNC recorded data should be removed after a certain period of time and not retained indefinitely.
5/ When would you like to see the removal of DNA, fingerprint, PNC records from police databases of (1) innocent people (2) minor conviction, (3) caution, (4) reprimands and warnings.
6/ New police guidance will be written to require the removal of records of arrest for innocent people from the Police National Computer (PNC). How will you as a Crime Commissioner hold the Chief Constable to account for implementation of this new guidance.
There needs to be an appropriate balance between crime detection, human rights and privacy, I believe there should be a policy of time limits on the retention of people’s DNA profiles on the Database, related to the seriousness of the offence and whether a person has been convicted (similar to the original policy adopted when the Database was set up in 1995). A policy on retention would limit the potential for future governments to misuse the data to restrict people’s rights and freedoms.
May I point out
1/ it is not illegal for the Chief Constable to delete minor police records, he has a right to do so as data owner.
2/ the Home Office dose not compel Chief Constables to indefinitely retain police records.
3/ The Bichard enquiry did not recommend that police records be retained indefinitely.
4/ ACPO (association of chief police officers) only produce guidelines (NOT LAW) concerning retention and deletion of police records for Chief Constables.
5/ in 2009 the information commission ruled that permanent retention of minor police records was unlawful, this was over turned by the high court BUT the findings and conclusions of the IC are still relevant.
I agree with Andrew Smiths policies whole heartedly and if our polititions was not led by the do-gooders they would to. Life imprisonment should mean life for the murder of children and police officers.
Conservative Nick Alston won the vote and is the first Police And Crime Commissioner for Essex.