OK, I am a naturally sceptical / suspicious person, so when three smartly dressed salespeople with clipboard appear at my door selling a new broadband service, that is apparently as fast as BT Infinity and only £1 a month, I think that this cannot be true.
I cannot remember what I pay for BT Infinity, but I can say that it is very fast and very reliable. The previous company I was with (TalkTalk) only charged £6 a month, but it was the most unreliable broadband company I have ever experienced (I lost Internet connection on a regular basis, once for a whole day with no explanation). So how can New Call charge only one pound and provide a service equal to BT?
The answer is – I have no idea! Let’s look at what they do offer, according to their website.
According to their website (newcalltelecom.co.uk) they offer a broadband and phone package for £1.20 a month (oh, but the offer ends on the 31st March 2014). But this comes with a TINY data allowance of 20 Gb, and the speed is not quoted. If you watch BBC iPlayer in high-def you will burn through this allowance in no time – and then either get charged a small fortune or disconnected. In my opinion, broadband that is not unlimited is not worth paying for – unless you really will only ever use it to go online once in a while and read emails.
They also offer a super fast deal, up to 70 Mb/s. That is £10 for the first 3 months (another limited offer). Unlimited broadband is £15, for the first 3 months. This is getting closer to “normal” charges. Not such a great deal after all – certainly not the “one pound only” that my friendly salesman just told me. I could not see what the full price per month is after the deals are over. But there was also a line rental charge with some packages to considered.
So, top tip – never trust what a door to door salesman tells you. The chances are the offer that sounds too good to be true is too good to be true. Do your research, check what they really offer, how long the special deal is, and what the fees are for going over the limit.
BT Infinity – the quickest, the most reliable and unlimited (speaking from my personal experience of being a broadband customer for over a decade).