Alexander Rose Creative, an Essex marketing firm based in Witham, specialise in building brand identities through design and marketing to help businesses communicate their brands effectively to their customers and clients. Today they have shared with us some helpful advice for any business looking to increase customer awareness for their products and brand.
Alexander Rose Creative is also helping its clients maximise their marketing by offering free online versions of every brochure and catalogue which they produce. Giving their clients, such as the Rocket Science Group, the Globe Travel Centre Ltd and Pixie Vision, an opportunity to increase sales and improve market penetration, Alexander Rose Creative will produce a free Online Digi-Brochure ) of every printed catalogue and brochure produced.
Alexander Rose Creative is also currently offering clients this promotion to show them the instant benefits of using online literature to promote their products and services. Although many businesses still need hard copy promotional materials, the cost of print, mailing and distribution combined with the time taken for the end user to receive the literature, is leading to a more integrated marketing approach.
“Producing a digital campaign, as well as a print one, allows clients to benefit from Alexander Rose Creative’s many years of design, branding and marketing experience. It also helps clients reduce print, postage and distribution costs as well as reducing their carbon footprint. Combine this with instantly being able to engage with a client, increase sales conversion rates and ultimately accelerating market saturation, it is a win-win situation all round.”
Alex Barton, the Brand and Communications Director at Alexander Rose Creative, shares his expert opinion below on how to establish a strong corporate identity to stand out in a competitive market and grab share of voice. We thank Alex Barton and Alexander Rose Creative for sharing this useful business information.
Step 1: Know your facts first
The success of a business largely depends on the reputation of your company/firm in the market. Strong corporate image leads to more customers which results in increased sales. Therefore, it is pivotal to chalk out an effective marketing strategy consisting of clearly defined steps to be followed.
It is essential to understand your target market, the needs and aspirations of your target audience, marketing strategy adopted by your competitors, communication mediums used by your competitors to reach out to the target audience etc.
Do an in-depth research about all the factors that could directly or indirectly affect your business. Go to the market places, talk to your customers and prospects, ask them about the experience of using your product or hiring your service etc.
Study maps, government reports, books and magazines, census information and anything that is related to your domain and could benefit your business in the long run.
Also, browse through the internet to understand the marketing tactics adopted by your competitors. Apart from this, you may also like to conduct surveys or interviews to know more about the current market trend and the requirements of your target audience.
Step 2: Segregate the most relevant facts
After gathering all the facts, the next step is to look out for the relevant facts that should be included in your marketing plan.
Ask some questions from yourself like: what communication mediums should I adopt? Am I exploiting all the resources available at my end? What attracts the customers towards my product/service? Is there a need to modify my product?
Step 3: Reaching out
Once you know all the relevant facts, now it’s the time to creatively plan out the methods of reaching out to your prospects. Group your target audience in terms of returns you can earn i.e. highly profitable and low value customers.
Think in terms of the maximum return you can earn- how many prospects are willing to purchase your product/service without much ado, how many prospects needs initial push to know more about your brand etc., are some of the key questions that should be kept in mind.
Step 4: Develop a short-term plan
Make short term plans at the beginning to test the efficiency of your overall marketing strategy. For example: you can set up a plan for 2 or 3 years to understand the strengths and weakness of your marketing strategy.
While doing so, you must also keep yourself abreast of the latest trends and the changing attitudes and aspirations of your target audience.
Besides this, you must have a backup plan to keep your company’s cash flow smooth. This means that don’t rely on a few affluent clients for recurring business rather pitch the small and medium scale industries as well.
Step 5: Develop a long-term plan
You can have 2-3 short term plans in one long term plan which helps you detect all the flaws (if any) in your marketing approach and ensures that your long term strategy is an effective one.
These are some of the most significant steps that should be considered while drafting a marketing strategy for your business.
Remember: – Make your strategy as simple as you can so that it becomes easier to achieve the desired results.
For further information about Alexander Rose Creative, call 01376 516686 or visit