Exciting news for Harlow:
“The developers behind a proposed housing development near an Essex town are to hold public consultations about their ideas. Land Securities and Places For People hope to build north of Harlow, an area which can accommodate “at least 10,000 homes”.
Representatives will be at the Harvey shopping centre, Harlow, on 16 October. It will be followed by workshops on the North Harlow project in the villages of High Wych and Widford.”
Source: BBC News
Later this month the Joint Venture promoting the development of North Harlow will start its engagement with the local community. The community engagement programme will begin with a series of drop-in sessions and stakeholder workshops to take place in October and November. The first of these will take place on:
- Friday 16 October 2009, from 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm
- Opposite H. Samuels, The Harvey Centre, Harlow
- Saturday 17 October 2009, from 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm
- High Wych Memorial Hall
- Friday 23 October 2009, from 10am-1pm, 2pm-5pm and 7pm-10pm
- Widford Village Hall
- Saturday 24 October 2009, 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm
- Opposite H. Samuels, The Harvey Centre, Harlow
Mary Parsons, a spokesperson for the Joint Venture, said:
“We are committed to listening to, and working with, local people to ensure that their ideas and thoughts feed into our thinking. Over the next few months we will start engaging with local residents and other stakeholders to get a real understanding of the issues within the locality and ensure that any proposals are sensitive to local opinion.”
“The drop-in sessions are the first in a series of events and we hope as many people as possible will be able to attend. The local councils of Harlow and East Hertfordshire are now establishing their Local Development Frameworks, and these consultation events will help inform us on how we contribute to this process.”
A residents newsletter is being circulated to 14,000 households in and around the North Harlow area and will be available in local libraries. The newsletters provide information on the series of events that will culminate in a public exhibition early next year, where the North Harlow team hopes to present some options for development. Further information will be provided via a new website: www.northharlow.com.
Earlier this year, the East of England plan confirmed the need for 10,000 homes to the north of Harlow to address the issue of affordability and housing need in the region. Expanding Harlow is a key part of the strategy to transform and regenerate the town. The development of North Harlow will help attract new companies offering well paid jobs and the opportunity for local people to continue to live in the town.
“The local plans will need to set out what infrastructure such as schools, health facilities and transport improvements will be needed to support the development, and a framework for agreeing the design of the new development. To help contribute to the development of these plans, we will be appointing a professional team of designers and planning advisors. Our intention is to work closely with the local councils and other interested parties to ensure that the local plans provide a platform for delivering a sustainable place; one that is well designed and can adapt over time to new and changing circumstances.” Source: northharlow.com