BAE Systems have developed a new positioning system that could eventually replace the current GPS (Geographical Position System) as the standard system. The development was made in the Chelmsford labs of BAE Systems and is called Navsop, which is short for Navigation Via Signals of Opportunity.
“The potential applications of this technology are already generating huge excitement in both civilian and military circles” – Dr Faragher, BAE Systems Advanced Technology Centre.
Chelmsford is known as the “birthplace of radio”, after Guglielmo Marconi developed the first long distance radio transmission as well as creating Marconi’s law and a radio telegraph system in Chelmsford.
The new system uses the same signals used by mobile phones, televisions, radios and wi-fi rather than using satellite systems. This means that Navsop will be much cheaper to run that the current GPS network. This more cost effective system could be popular amongst mobile phone manufacturers which will essentially drive the future market for all GPS devices.
Trace and Locate People and Property
Navsop can also be used to locate people trapped inside burning buildings and locate lost of stolen property and vehicles even when the property is hidden underground or inside homes and garages.
Currently there is only a prototype. It is rather large and requires an antenna, so can only be transported by car. Certainly not practical yet for consumer use. However, the BAE Sytems is confident that the technology can be shrunk down to the size of a small mobile phone, a little larger than a coin.
Navsop Learns from GPS
The idea is that Navsop starts to create a map of its surroundings based on current GPS signals, but once that information is stored and matched with wireless, radio, TV and mobile phone signals, the GPS signal is no longer required.
The system even uses the same parts of the spectrum that Marconi used in the development of radio.
It is good to know that Chelmsford is still at the centre of of the radio communications industry.
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