Channel 4 Want To Find The Best Cook In Your Family

Channel 4 are looking for contestants in a family cooking show with a twist. This show will pit family members against each other to determine once and for all, who is the best chef in the family.

They are looking for families in and around London, so Essex families should register their interest. Here is the message from Studio Lambert, the Soho based production company who will be making the show for Channel 4:

We’re casting for a fun new Channel 4 TV series about competitive
family cooks with a small cash prize. Whether it be their treasured
family recipe for classic lasagne or their quirky and unusual approach
to cooking roast chicken, the programme will look at how certain
members of the family just love to cook.

We are looking for two cookery enthusiasts in one family or extended
family, who feel that their cooking stands out from each other, to
prove once and for all just who is the better cook.… judged by none
other than their own families !

It could be a brother who loves to cook family lunch but has a sibling
who thinks they know how to do it better or a husband and wife who
have always had friendly rivalry in the kitchen, or a mother in law
and daughter in law who think they have the midas touch when it comes
to cooking. Each cook wants to prove to the rest of the family they
have what it takes.

This is a fun opportunity for families to showcase their culinary
talents on a cookery show with a small cash prize, and settle it once
and for all to prove who is the best chef in their family.

We would be most grateful if you could circulate this to anyone you
think may be interested?

Anyone who is interested must be London based or surrounding London
and should email us at [email protected]

Warning: Winning this competition may result in you having to cook every future Christmas dinner for the family!

Studio Lambert are the team behind some of Channel 4’s top reality TV shows, such as Undercover Boss, Benefit Busters and The Fairy Jobmother.

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