If you are keen to be the next Mark Hunter, Zac Purchase, Katherine Grainger or Anna Watkins then you need to start training at a rowing club. While rowing in the gym will start to get you fit and develop the required muscles for rowing, only with proper rowing training can you expect to win on the water. There are surprisingly few rowing clubs around Essex so we have included some clubs close to Essex too.
Brightlingsea Coastal Rowing Club
BCRC was formed in April 2011 by a small group of enthusiasts and has grown to approximately 65 members; the Club is open to anyone interested in getting afloat and enjoying some exercise in beautiful surroundings with like-minded people.
Broxbourne Rowing Club
In Hertfordshire, just west of Harlow. Adult and junior beginner courses run. You must be able to swim 100 metres in light clothing to join.
Beginners should go to the club at 9.15am on any Saturday or Sunday morning and ask for Noelle Stallard, Craig Allan or Chris Moody (information from website, dated 13/08/12).
Broxbourne Rowing Club, Old Nazeing Road, Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, EN10 6QU. Web: www.broxbournerowingclub.org
Chelmsford Canoe Club
They compete is sprints and marathons and provide training for both types of rowing. Twice a week training is land based for fitness and injury prevention. They are based Empire Walk close to the Meadows Shopping Centre.
Chelmsford Canoe Club, Empire Walk, Chelmsford, CM2 0DE. Tel: 07508 220986
Docklands Sailing & Watersports Centre
Actually in Essex, but ideal for those in west Essex along the London border as they provide British Canoe Union courses in paddlesports. They have a Royal Yachting Association recognised training centre with courses in Sailing, Windsurfing and Powerboating, plus Active social group. More sailing than rowing really.
235a Westferry Road, Docklands, London, E14 3QS. TEl: 020 7537 2626. Web: www.dswc.org
Essex University Rowing Club – Colchester
Based at Colchester University, Essex University RC is open to the public as well as students. For both beginners or seasoned oarsmen with recreational and competitive rowing.
Boathouse, The Students Union, Sports Federation, University of Essex, Colchester, Essex CO4 3SQ. Tel: 01206 863211. Web: http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~rowing/
Lower Thames Rowing Club
Based at 2 locations in Essex: Dauntless Boat Yard, Benfleet and Two Tree Island, Leigh on Sea. They are affiliated to British Rowing they welcome all rowers.
The clubhouse is at Two Tree Island, Marsh Road, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9. Web: www.lowerthamesrowingclub.com
Maldon & District Sea Cadets
The sea cadets participate in rowing and sailing. For children and young adults aged 10-18 years only. Junior Cadets (10-12) learn canoeing and sailing, Sea Cadets (12-18) also learn power boating and sailing.
Maldon & District Sea Cadet Corps, Park Drive, Maldon, CM9 5UR. Web: www.sea-cadets.org/maldon/home.aspx
Sudbury Rowing Club
Just north of the Essex border in Surrey, the club rows on the River Stour which forms the border with Essex, so really half the rowing is done in Essex.
Sudbury Rowing Club, C/O Quay Theatre, Quay Lane, Sudbury, CO10 2AN. Web: sudburyrowingclub.org.uk
Photo by Phil and Pam.
Hi John, Lower Thames Rowing Club has moved to its new home on to, Two Tree Island, Marsh Road, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9
Thanks for the update.