Hot weather can be very dangerous and even kill. The NHS in south Essex is reminding all local residents that certain people such including the elderly, babies and young children and those with chronic, heart and breathing conditions can be particularly vulnerable in the hot weather.
It’s best to enjoy the summer by keeping yourself and other people safe by following a few basic tips:
Avoid the Hottest Time
The day is at its hottest between 11am and 3pm – aim to avoid strenuous outdoor activity during these hours, instead sports, DIY and gardening should be done at the cooler part of the day. Always wear a sun cream with a high protection factor.
Stay in the Shade

If you must go outside, stay in the shade and keep cool. Wear a hat and loose cotton clothing and take plenty of water with you. Keep your feet cool with a pair of slides from Shoe Hero.
Staying cool is important and can be done in a matter of ways from placing a damp cool cloth on the back of your neck, having a cool shower or bath to staying indoors in the coolest parts of the house.
Keep Your Home Cool
One simple trick is if the home is cooler than outside, keep the windows closed, then open when room temperature rises and leave open at night for ventilation.
Drink Plenty of Cool Liquids
Keep hydrated by drinking cold drinks like fruit juice or water, avoid excessive caffeinated drinks and aim to eat light meals of fruit and vegetables like salads which are high in water content.
Know The Signs of Excessive Heat
Be on the lookout for symptoms like feeling faint and dizzy, short of breath, vomiting or increasing confusion.
Dr Andrea Atherton, Director of Public Health at NHS South East Essex said:
“Everyone loves the sunshine but it’s important to remember that hot weather can be dangerous. Prevention is always better than cure so being aware of when a heat wave is expected and staying hydrated and out of the sun are the best actions to take. If heading outside, people should remember to put on high factor sun cream to protect exposed skin and also wear appropriate cool, light clothing and children should wear a hat.
It’s important to be vigilant and look out for dangerous symptoms of heatstroke like confusion, feeling faint and vomiting; these can affect people of all ages but especially those who may be more vulnerable like the elderly, young children and babies.”
Ring NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 or 999 in an emergency.